Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shhh. . .Don't Tell Mom. . .

Shhhh. . .don't tell mom please. . .I snuck out to go and play. . .I promise I didn't do it. . .but it was really fun. . .giggles. . .do you want to come out and play too. . .I promise it will be fun. . . shhhh

Shape: Custom {SC} Lady Grace
Skin: [okkbye] Emmaline
Body: Bebe Youth
Head: Genus - Baby Face
Eyes: Generic Baby Face Head Eyes
Hair: Doe: Little Devil w/Horns
Outfit: {Magic Little Star} Tiffany @ Thimble
(October 20th - November 5th)

Rings: *Cherry Tot* Unicorn Rings
Head Piece: .random.Matter. Dearest Head Jewel
Axe: {SC} Izzy Boredom Doll

Background: *Maya's Buildings*
Pose: [:Bella Kids:]

OMG. . .

So this is a little new to me, but always willing to try new things. Taking pictures is not new to me. . .love taking pictures, but never blogged them before so this will be fun. Really hope you all will like it. Please feel free to message me inworld. . .Duchie {Duchess Whiteberry}

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